Endpoint recently designed and contracted the installation
of two horizontal groundwater extraction wells for a remediation system at an
active manufacturing facility in Wisconsin.
The total well length of the two wells was 537 feet and they are
intended to provide hydraulic control of the groundwater at the arsenic
impacted site.
One of the wells was
completed with a blind (single entry) borehole and the other was completed with
a continuous (entry/exit) borehole using 4-inch diameter HDPE screen and casing.
Biodegradable drilling fluids were utilized
and well development was completed using flushing and jetting with a fresh
water/liquid enzyme breaker solution.
Endpoint is currently overseeing the construction of the extraction
pumping systems as well as conveyance piping for the groundwater treatment
For additional information on
this project or Endpoint’s remediation design capabilities contact Kirk
Kapfhammer, PG at kirk@endpointcorporation.com.